The WILD Way!
To Lucid Dreaming

(89) Book Reviews & Video Endorsements

- 'Readers Favourite' - 5-Star Award -

I was so impressed by The WILD Way to Lucid Dreaming, by Slider.

I have been interested in lucid dreaming for quite some time and this is the only method that gave me any success. I was able to reach the first goal the very first time I tried, and the second time I tried I was sitting at my desk and flipped into a lucid dream and almost fell off my chair. It’s recommended to try this only while lying down.

Lucid dreaming is realizing in a dream that you’re dreaming, an awareness of what’s happening. Think of the film, “Inception” as that is what they were experimenting with. Lucid dreaming sounds like a lot of fun, but it also has some practical uses. Have you ever wanted to fly in a dream? You can with lucid dreaming. Once you are in a lucid dream, just intend or think about what you want to do or where you want to go, and it happens.

This is the best book I have read so far on this subject. I’ve mentioned that I had success with it already. WILD is an acronym for Waking Induced Lucid Dreaming, as opposed to DILD or Dreaming Induced Lucid Dreaming. Many or most of the other lucid dreaming books out there require you to go to sleep, and then pick up clues you have been conditioning yourself with to realize that you are dreaming. For instance, some dreamers say to look at your hands. If you are dreaming, they may not look normal and you will hopefully realize that. They may appear to be deformed or disappear as you look at them. Sounds frightening, but there is no such danger with the WILD method.

Slider has truly achieved a landmark and everyone with any interest should pick up a copy of The WILD Way to Lucid Dreaming.


epzontop Commented On: Hypnagogia - The Key To WILDs Video: 12th Feb. 2025
I DID WILD! OH MY GOSH!! IT WAS SO COOL, I felt my body transition into sleep, i moved my arm to check if i was in a dream and then a reality check, I got out of bed and i was in my room and it was dark, I felt the dream going away so i started touching things for sensory input and spinning around, that stabilized it a little bit then i tried to turn the lights on in my room, I failed. Tried again, failed and then the dream ended suddenly!!! BUT I DID WILD


Jéremiel Archange Commented In The WILDs & WILDing group: 10th Jan 2025
This is absolutely new to me. (Advanced sorry for my english) I just woke up from an evening nap doing it again and this is what happened: A new feeling, it wasn't like feeling of floating or being pulled up this time but like being stretched infinitely. It's like my body was being pulled from left and right exaggeratedly and I felt like my body was elastic... I also felt like I was becoming flattened.

Skipping some visionary moments, I started to see other colours just black, gray, purple and blue. There was a shade of yellowish green and purple whirling together and it was...damn...very interesting... later, I saw different luminescent green lines appearing and disappearing everywhere, they looked like laser rays and there was a blue flash too! Almost like there was a thunder in front of me. And after few moments, there was no black anymore in front of me, everything was blue like the see. And it looked like i was approaching it or it came towards me. As that weird blue wall came closer and closer, I could see a shape on it that was an island or a continent.

It came closer and even more closer, it was really an island, I saw trees, bushes and some mountains (but they where strangely small) The approach became faster like I was falling from a high altitude... and I was bracing myself for the impact... but I didn't crash on the land. I decelerated and slowly landed on the grass, standing up on my feet. I found myself in a forest (very dense and wild) and it was daytime, the sky was blue and clear. And I felt wind. I felt the wind blowing on my face, on my arms, my barefeet. It was just-...I don't even know how to make it sound like more than amazing!!!!

I was literally in another world!!! I didn't do anything, I just stood there and watched... that forest looked real... and the wind, it felt so real... When woke up, it didn't felt like I slept, and I didn't feel exhausted.


@renegadesuccess Commented On The 'Ways To Relax' Video: 20th Sept 2024
I think this is the best lucid dreaming series on the internet!


Giuli Commented In Our WILDs & WILDing FB Group: 2nd Sept. 2024
Speaking of the technique, it's fantastic and it took me just 2 weeks to get my wild using it (as you said). I'm not a beginner, in fact in the last 2 years I've tried everything to have regular lucid dreams, but I could only make a technique work for a few days which was then followed by even weeks of nothing. I hope this technique is the definitive one. I have certainly noticed an increasingly gradual improvement connected to building a new habit, and for me this is worth much more than succeeding in a short time and having problems later.


Quentin Thomas Commented In Our WILDs & WILDing group: 31Aug.2024 ·
I finally had my first fully controlled WILD last night! In addition to that I also finally figured out what has been leading to my non lucidity.

I got frustrated trying this technique because I didn't really understand how subtle hypnagogia and the sleep process was for me. This subtly made it easy for me to completely miss my doorway into WILDS. This put me into a cycle of laying down waiting, and the next thing I know waking up at morning time. I never realized what happened in between actually hitting the pillow and waking up the next morning until now.

Last night I went to bed and just relaxed for a moment. Relaxing for me is really simple. I lay on my back and just let my eyes go, not trying to physically use them at all. Eventually my whole system calms down on its own. I don't really recall doing anything special here.

After some time narratives start to play out in my mind. For me these narratives start off as random voices. These voices are then accompanied by white cloudy smokey hypnagogic flashes. I've experienced this my whole life, but ignored this because I had no idea what it was and what it represented.

For some reason last night I decided to see what would happen if I didn't ignore the things I dismissed as I fell asleep. When the voices started I just kept listening to them and the chatter got louder and louder until eventually everything just stopped. Almost as if the voices realized I was actually listening. Right at the this moment everything went black. I was still there, but it was all dark and peaceful.

Next thing I know I felt a steering wheel in my hands. This transition was so subtle that It felt as though the steering wheel was always in my hands and I was driving down the street somewhere. I thought to myself, hmmm maybe I just imagined that I was just going to bed and I really am suppose to be here driving. I should pay attention to the road. (This is the exact place I almost lost lucidity as I totally bought into the narrative) .

I snapped out of it and said wait, how did I get into this car, this isn't even my car. At that moment everything went black again. I was still there. I just waited. I didn't try to do anything special. I just waited in this darkness until voices started again. The next thing I know I was sitting in a hallway with 3 other people. The other people were having a conversation about all kinds of things. At this point I knew I was in another WILD. I slowly looked around at my surroundings and I was amazed at how vivid and clear everything looked. I decided to open a door that was in front of me in the hallway. It was all black behind the door. I decided to jump in there to see where it would take me. As soon as I jumped in there It was a seamless transition right back into my bed. It was as if I never left!

What blew my mind about this was not really being lucid in the dreams, but how easy it was to trick myself into non lucidity. Its almost as if these other states are so natural to us its easy to forget about what you were doing or where you came from previously.

I learned from last night I can avoid slipping into non lucidity by realizing how subtle the transitions are when going from the darkness to another dream. This cycle can happen multiple times in subtle ways and I have to pay attention to the transitions, otherwise the dream narrative will convince me that I've always been there in that specific dream!


Carinhafeliz Commented On 'Hypnagogia - The Key To WILDs' Video: 4th Aug. 2024
I HAD WILD LUCID DREAM TONIGHT, omg it worked, i was doing it as going to sleep, and i let it go and boom i was in a dream, i could feel my irl body at the same time as the dream body, i was oscilating because i wasnt 100% lucid and fully in the dream, but after some point i lost my lucidity and started a normal dream, it was amazing, i didnt even see it coming and then i realized i was dreaming, im very excited to do it again.

It was soo fast, i relaxed in about 10-20min, and when hypnagogia started, i entered the dream, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, tysm ageinhippie for guiding and helping me on this journey that just started, now im gonna try to master it and do anything in dreams.


Devon Brown Commented On The Video Series: 23rd June 2024
Best lucid dreaming series on all of YouTube.


Dreamer Reported Via Facebook: 17th April 2024
Thank you, I experienced the first WILD for me today.


Gregg Irvin Wrote In The 'Lucid Dreaming' FB-Group: 31st March 2024
"WILDing" is the Way! It is my Preferred Method! You simply hold onto your Consciousness/Awareness as your body falls asleep, and you don't have to try to find it, because you've never let go of it to begin with. It works Very Well for me...


David Pye Commented In The WILDs & WILDing Forum: March 6th 2024
I've had several lucid dreams but mostly by accidentally becoming aware in a dream, never had any success with WILD until last night. Went to bed at 11pm slept well till 3am then tossed and turned, couldn’t stop thinking about stuff, had an email from a friend about lucidity in the evening so started thinking about that then about Brian Aherne's WILD instructions.

I started looking straight ahead until hypnagogia started, saw faces and eventually a group of people, just kept looking straight ahead without deviation then suddenly I was there with them and Lucid. I kept telling the people I was lucid but they didn’t understand. I climbed onto a structure which was like a stand at an exhibition and jumped off to show them and floated down to the ground. I did that a few times. I tried to fly but couldn’t get any lift but managed to float a bit. Wandered off thinking I wonder if anyone is here that I know but couldn’t see anyone.

Eventually met up with some people I knew but my ability to control the dream was fading and one of my friends had distorted teeth which I knew wasn’t right so slowly came awake around 6.30am. Still it was my first WILD so very pleased, thanks Brian!


Toren Burgos Commented On Facebook: 19th Feb. 2024
Just bought your book after your method helped me in the past. Already love the philosophy behind it. A deeply practical take to an art rife with pseudo spiritual mumbo jumbo. Your method is the only one that worked exactly as advertised the first time I ever tried it. Best method out there, no contest. Love it!


RodBat Commented On The Book Via Email: 16th Feb. 2024
I Loved your book, best book on lucid dreaming I ever read, direct and earnest. I like how you try to talk about sleep and lucid dreaming without framing it from any particular frame of reference, be it religious or academic. Truly, this is the best way to attain true knowledge.

Really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for writing this book, it was a godsend for me. May you be rewarded a thousand fold for your effort, you deserve it dude! Cheers!


Emmettnelson7260 Commented On The 'Introduction' Video: 10th Feb. 2024
Got my first WILD last night on my first night of attempting. I could already very consistently become lucid via DILD techniques and fall asleep quickly. I also immediately notice when im awake in the night and wake up for a few minutes every hour after midnight to write in my dream journal. This let me get many attempts to do WILD last night. First attempt it was really hard to stop moving my eyeballs but each attempt I saw more and more vivid images. And my 5th attempt at 4:30am got me into a WILD."


LongStick56 Commented On Part-4 Of The Video Tutorials: 6th Feb. 2024
From just practising this with the intent to lucid dream, I have had a DILD every night/morning so far


Dean Soto posted in the WILDs & WILDing fb group: 12th Jan 2024
Success!: After fixing two things I was doing wrong I Had my first WILD!

I started trying to WILD a few months ago, but had a really hard time seeing hypnogogic imagery. After a few weeks I would see them but mainly after waking up in the middle of the night and rarely from just the practice that Brian Aherne teaches. (Because I was doing it wrong)

After a lot of “failures” week after week I decided to take some time off and try other methods. Still, nothing seem to work to get me into a lucid dream at all. After doing more research on other things, somehow I came to the realization that I was doing two things wrong.

First I was becoming way too anxious about the result of having a lucid dream. As I was doing the relaxation phase, all I could think about was if the hypnogogia would show up and why it was taking so long. Second, because of that, I never fully relaxed and embraced that phase.

Long story short, I let go of all expectations and really focused on relaxing and would regularly start to see imagery during that phase because I was actually relaxed. I didn’t worry about how long it was taking or if it would happen. There would be several days where I would see imagery, but was never pulled into a dream at all but I didn’t care.

Last night I saw imagery and all of a sudden out of nowhere. I found myself in a janitor type closet, looking at a bunch of credit cards in my hand. I immediately knew that I was in a lucid dream, and it was very vivid. I have had DILD dreams before, but this one was definitely different, because normally I would be scrambling to stabilize the dream, but in this case, I knew right away what was happening, and although I started to touch things in my dream, and started counting out all of my credit cards that I had in my hand and put them in a wallet, the dream itself didn’t get any more [vivid] or stabilized, it was as if it was already stable enough, which was very different.

I tried to make things happen, like create a portal that let me [be] somewhere else but nothing like that was working. So I left the place that I was in and went outside of a door into a hallway. There I saw two of my small daughters who are toddlers. I knew that I was in a dream and they weren’t real.

However, my paternal instincts kicked in, and I knew they were all alone, so I went and started to take care of them. As I was doing that the dream ended and I woke up. I wasn’t able to get back into a WILD because of the time, but holy crap was that awesome. Took me a few months because I wasn’t consistent and tried to rush the process, but it is worth it knowing it is possible.

Thanks Brian for sharing your technique. It works.


Azara Commented On The 'Ways To Consciously Relax' video: 4th Dec. 2023
Hey, I had my first WILD this morning!! Finally, finally. It didn’t last long and it felt so vivid I had to keep doing reality checks over and over but it finally happened after years. Thanks so much for your help you’ve been invaluable to my journey!


Michael Bruso Commented On The 'Introduction' video: Nov. 10th 2023
I was able to do it for a week straight after a serious car accident while I was In the hospital. I’m very much into mushrooms and lsd and the dreams were more fun and mind blowing than any trip I’ve ever had. Hope to get to do it again.


Quicktripgas Commented On 'Hypnagogia - The Key To WILDs' Video: 29th Oct. 2023
This 100% works! I have finally been able to repeatedly reproduce this and I am completely blown away by all of it. It took me about 2 months to finally put it all together for myself, but the author of this video is absolutely right about the entire process.

I will say that you CANNOT rush the relaxation stage, which was my mistake. Blowing past relaxing actually complicated my practice and eventually frustrated me. Consciously relaxing is a skill, and it took me a while to really GET IT. This is also why it took me so long to see Hypnagogia. It is extremely important to reach ultimate relaxation consciously.

I knew I reached this stage because I felt so OPEN and free. I was blissful without a care in the world. Thats the level I finally made it to. Once I got good at relaxing myself it started to feel like my body completely disappeared during the practice as I lay in bed. My mind was aware during this and images started to appear. These images are very sharp, but completely unrelated. For example, I saw the balcony of a pink house, another one of a woman standing in a living room next to a glass patio door, bubbles coming out of a machine (maybe it was a washer...), a different women with a pony tail looking back smiling, and my dogs face, which kinda surprised me, but I remained in that zone. All these and many more came in sequence.

I just enjoyed watching them not looking to go anywhere or do anything other than watching. Not even caring what they all meant. These Images are not something I saw with my eyes. They are mental images. Now that I think about it I forgot about my eyes completely. After a while these images became something that I could enter in. They start to get closer and closer and eventually, I went right into them! For example, I saw a 2D map of continents. The map was circular. I recognized South America and Antartica, and I didn't understand why I was seeing them. The image came closer and suddenly I was incarnated into it (My body appeared. Hands etc..). I was actually above some buildings and green pastures for some time, and eventually came out of that imagery and into a dark void. A squiggly white static ball appeared in the center again and grew bigger and I entered into that one and was completely in a different place.

This cycle continued a few more times until eventually I said thats enough I gotta start writing this down so that I don't forget it. Suddenly, I was back in bed and it was daytime. It didn't feel like I ever slept, nor did I remember actually nodding off. It was a strange feeling. I wasn't tired at all.


Azara Commented On The Youtube Videos: 10th Sept 2023
I found these videos on a Reddit post about hypnogagia and idk how this series hasn’t blown up [as] this is the most helpful video I’ve ever seen. I was always deterred from wilding at the beginning of the night and now I know I can! I get hypnagogia often so I’m really excited to use it to LD.


calvinosaurus4514 Commented On Youtube: 15th Aug 2023
So, I did it, I finally had my first WILD! It took me about a month of fairly consistent practice. I hope I am able to do it again soon.

On many of my attempts I would stare into the darkness after relaxing completely, but wouldn’t be able to see any hypnagogia for a long time. When I did see something it was usually dim but recognizable images that seemed imaginary.

I thought I was doing something wrong because I wasn’t seeing the abstract color patterns first, or If I did see them they faded away quickly. Eventually I figured out that I could make the images appear quickly by not staring into the darkness using my physical eyes, but instead staring into the void in with my mind’s eye without trying to visualize anything.

I had my WILD in the morning after a full night’s sleep.


Dean Soto Posted In Our WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: 27th June 2023
Your book and video course are amazing. I am on Day 6 and was thinking nothing was really happening. Well the last 2 nights I have had the most vivid dreams l, and one’s I actually remember. Plus I was having the hardest time seeing more detailed hypnogogia, but last night I woke up from a dream and laid there staring at the blackness and saw the trippiest and 3D (finally) hypnogogia. Exciting stuff


Nadia Armstrong Commented On The Video Series: 17th June 2023
Though I have been practicing wake induced ld via the Monroe institute, absolutely nothing I've seen or done has come close to the understanding and context you've provided in your excellent videos. You've already "closed the loop" on much of my previously unfinished thoughts about sleeping qi gong, siddihs, and other shrouded knowledge. And even just having a name for hypnagogia has been very helpful.Thank you again!


Smitanjali Jena Commented on the Youtube 'Introduction' Video: 6th June 2023
This is undoubtedly the best guide on the platform.


Carolyn Davies Commented On The 'Entering A Lucid Dream' Video: 20th Feb. 2023
Thank you so much. I can get the images upon waking, I just need to practice your relaxation technique a little more. You have done an excellent job of explaining wild in your videos. Thanks again


Freditorials Commented On 'The Midway Point' Video: February 5th, 2023
I'm astonished at the detailed accuracy of your descriptions. I know them to be true from 'experience'. I've been struggling with the lucid state in the last years after having much success earlier, but now I can see the importance of setting aside the sleep induced methods for WILD . You're a blessing to the dreaming community 'indeed'!


***** Helpful book on how to Lucid Dream by achieving Body Asleep-Mind Awake state Alexandra Hopkins -Amazon US Customer Review on October 24, 2022
The book includes a lot of helpful information and it actually changed my life. As a result of reading it, I tried his technique and am now able to meditate during afternoon naps and for hours during the night. I hope to stretch this out to meditating through the entire night. So, I'm very glad that the author wrote this book! Thank you.


Toren Burgos Commented In The FB Lucid Dreaming Group: 14th Oct. 2022
I've tried every strategy. If your goal is lucid dreaming there's nothing better than Brian Aherne's method.


Waseem Sultan Commented On The Youtube Videos: 20th March 2022
I have to say was slightly sceptical at first, but after a week of practice and also trying to embed myself into the hypnogogia (by trying to really feel that I am in whatever scene appears) i had my first WILD! It was Insane because it just felt like I had woken up at first, I was in my bedroom everything seemed normal but then I did a reality test by pinching my nose and I could breathe! I was like wt... this is insane. Was quickly booted back to 'reality' after a little bit of flying but it was amazing. This all happened at the beginning of the night so I agree that science must be missing a massive piece of the puzzle re sleep cycles


Milliondollarcharisma Commented On The Videos: 31st Jan. 2022
I've started to share your guide with new comers. This was the best guide ever. I can now lay down and have a lucid dream whenever I want. It's so cool when you start to get it. The dream literally forms in front of your eyes. My first WILD was of Egypt and also my second. I had them before but now I know how to induce them at will and being conscious of what I am doing.


'User' Commented On The Video Tutorials Part-4: 12th Dec. 2021
This has got to be the best tutorial on YouTube thank you so much for making this


Bricki Chabashira Commented On: Hypnagogia - The Key To WILDs Video 5th Dec 2021
This is the best Video i have seen about this topic... i feel like i finally understand what i've been doing wrong. Thank you so so so much! i will definitely try this for the next few days!!!


Savannah Commented On: 'Hypnagogia - The Key To WILDs' Video: 30th Nov 2021
Great video! This is the only one i found that actually helped me understand.


Claudia Fral Posted In The WILDs & WILDing Group: 28th Nov 2021
This morning, after woken up from an ordinare dream, got hypnagogia and stopped consciously one of these imageries to admire it, a beautiful, intense coloured, mandala! All this after having read your fantastic book!!!!


StrandedDecay Commented On The WILDs Vs. DILD Video: 25th Nov 2021
What a rare sight, an actual somewhat decent Lucid dreaming guide. Enjoyed watching it.


***** Great Information on WILD
Reviewed In The United States On -July 10, 2021 - Paperback
Having read several books on lucid dreaming and dream-related material, I found this book very straightforward on proposing the advantages of utilizing the WILD technique. Aherne does a great job of not passing himself off as an all encompassing Dream expert or researcher while pulling from quality sources, such as Stephen Laberge and getting to the point that he’s making. Aherne provides some introductory information on sleep, dreaming, and lucid dreaming while focusing on providing the WILD technique in as simple a package as possible with great effectiveness. Great contribution to lucid dreaming material and happy to have picked it up!


KW Commented On The 'Lucid Dreaming On Demand' Video: 4th July 2021
After watching your videos I am really excited about the possibility of being able to achieve this on a daily basis on demand. Thank you.


Lucid World Álom Világ Commented On Youtube: 25th May 2021
One of my favourite LD book, I am amazed by the result! Recommended to anyone!


Don Salmon Wrote In The WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: 14th May 2021
You write well, you have a wonderful grasp of the technique, your description of what to do is wonderful. Really, you should be selling 10s of millions of books, because this is just about the most amazing thing out there. Good luck with it - because your work should be much more widely known.


Hakam Alsawaeer Posted In The Lucid Dreaming Facebook Group: 8th May 2021
Really one of the most interesting tutorials about WILD. I myself already know everything about WILD, but with your tutorial I feel like this is my first time hearing about WILD, it filled me with motivation and excitement about this exact technique, it is really helpful and I hope you get all the support for your channel.


Joe Mitchell Wrote In The 'Lucid Dreaming' Facebook Group: 8th April 2021
So i just watched all your videos in a row basically, and they were amazing man! It does seem so simple and i must practice this every night. Ive sorta known about this but you made it seem so easy and beautiful at the same time.


Sarah Weldon Wrote In Our WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: 21st Mar 2021
I took a nap today from like 4-6pm and had a string of like 8 lucid dreams using WILD technique! My eyes were closed, so everything was black, and I would watch as the dreamscape formed around was insane! I've never experienced anything like it! Noise would wake me up, but I'd keep my eyes closed and would fall right back to sleep into a new dream. One time I fell back into a continuation of the same dream and interacted with a different dream character.


Ivan Hernandez In Our WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: 7th Mar 2021
I have tried your method before, it works, its the best book on lucid dreaming i have read!


Mad Magus Commented On The Free Video Tutorials: 1st March. 2021
Truly the best series on WILDing that I have seen. Good job.


Alex Vrettos Commented On The Free Video Tutorials: 11th Feb. 2021
Thanks so much for these videos - I listened to videos 1 through 6 about two weeks ago and have been practicing every night and a lot of mornings. I had my first WILDs this morning which was very exciting! It took a little getting the hang of but all happened exactly as you described! Great videos and great help. Thank you so much!!!!


Fabianaworld Commented On The Free Video Tutorials: 10th Jan. 2021
These videos are absolutely beautiful. I love the audio, music and images. Everything is extremely immersive!


Inkeri Aula In Our WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: 2nd Dec 2020
I finally tried your technique and it worked, like a dream! The method as such really IS easy and efficient. The WILD method as described is totally perfected and it works. It is quite amazing, and amazingly simple! So thanks a lot for the effort!


Falk Wendt: In Our WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: 12th Nov 2020
Brian, I am glad I discovered your technique and method. For my personal training and practical experience it has been a much needed and beneficial complement/contrast to all what has been written about this topic elsewhere. With great respect for other teachers and masters along my path. In my childhood/teenage years I experienced WILDS naturally almost on a regular basis. Quite the way Brian describes...That is why I know....


Claudio Lopes Commented Via Facebook On The Video Tutorials: 21st Oct 2020
Congrats on these series. VERY GOOOOOOD JOB! I started to see the first and only stopped on the last one. lol. Loved the "levels of lucidity" you described. There are several descriptions on that. I think I am on the last one. I loved, as well, the final 2 videos about the so many applications and the philosophy on it.


LM Commented On 'Hypnagogia - The Key To WILDs' Video: 10th Oct 2020
I was in a place with no living creature only Plants and Buildings but they lasted only a minute or a few seconds the first times. Thanks for this Video and the new motivation. Now I can at least go very fast into the hypnagogic state: >>> You have to relax and fix your closed eyes on one point, if you cant see any structures behind your eyes to fix on, try to dont move your eyes and dont think of anything for a short period of time. It starts with white waves/structures and if you soften the focus then pictures will appear. It can happen in less then 1 Minute if your mind is quiet.


Szymborska Comment On The 'Lucid Dreaming On Demand' Video: 6th Oct 2020
Love this series, I've watch many online and this is the first that I feel like has taken the words out of my mouth! Great job, it really should have 100000x more views!


Christina Winfall's Comment On The 'WILDs Vs. DILDs' Video: 22nd Sept 2020
All of the other explanations I heard on lucid dreaming says you have to wake up in REM and proceed to the lucid dream, they typically say 4-6 hours of sleep. I’m glad that’s not the only way. Idk, or maybe I wasn’t paying too much attention, but this is the first video I watched that says you can have a lucid dream as soon you go to sleep, so it’s great I’ve come across this video. Plus to me, your explanation is a lot more clearer and easier for me to understand. I used to try to induce WILD through sleep paralysis, but I’m going to try through the hypnogogic imaginary as you’ve explained.


Toren Burgos: In the Lucid Dreaming Facebook Group, 18th Sept 2020
I always recommend Brian Aherne's (slider's) method because I've never found anything that worked so precisely as described. And I haven't heard his technique described elsewhere, and if it is-- then it's not popular enough for anyone to find, and believe me I've looked.


Dominik Wolf: In Our WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: Sept 11th 2020
I just wanted announce my first success. I noticed a very intense feeling of physically moving forward and a kinda tingly feeling in my head. It felt like I was accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in merely 2 seconds. Suddenly I was standing in very scenery - not as a passive observer anymore but now I was there. I was in a lucid dream! The transistion from the hypnagogic state to the lucid dream was extremely sudden. So sudden indeed, that it was almost startling.Thank you very much (slider) for making this possible. Let's get the hang of it (just like we had to get the hang of riding the bike without support wheels) and have lucid dreams every night. PS: This lucid dream gave me some wonderful side effects: I have a very intense whole-day euphoria, I feel energized and suddenly the whole world looks so incredibly beautiful, just if I was seeing my surroundings from a whole new perspective


***** Very happy with the purchase.
Amazon US Customer: Kindle Format: Victor Doni, Sept 8th 2020

I am reading it for the third time now. Actually I am exactly the kind of guy your book is written for. Being right now so frustrated with many, many unsuccessful lucid dreaming attempts during the last 6 months. Totally amazed by what you teach. So different from what I have learned from many other authors. I also joined The Wild Way facebook group. Hopefully I will succeed this time. Thank you again. Regards. Doni (Victor)


Kris Mckechnie In Our WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: 30th August 2020
I have been able to do wild lucid dreaming a good amount of times now after reading your book. Still I'm no expert but definitely getting better. Great book.


Vijay Aghara Commented On 'Hypnagogia - The Key To WILDs' Video: 16th Aug 2020
Awesome man, finally got a WILD technique guide that's very precise.


***** Great method.
Amazon US Customer Review on July 27, 2020 Verified Purchase:
This method presented here in this book works! ! Great method. Very good book.


Tommy Dee Commented In The Lucid Dreaming Facebook Group: 4th July 2020
Discovered that I am able to lucid dream and control what I dream about. Even woke up to check the time and was able to get back into the dream I left. Super wild.


Shirley Smith Camplin in Our WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: 2nd June 2020
The one wild I had only took seconds from the time I laid down to was amazing and proved to me wilding is real. Since I have a doctorate in this subject from a ministry standpoint, it is opening up so much to me as I have had many lucid dreams but never upon going to sleep.


Les Jones Commented On The Free Video Tutorials: 16th April 2020:
By far one of the best tutorials I've seen. I managed to get to hypnagogic state but can not seem to hold awareness. Just watching and following your instruction I got to hypnagogic state on the first attempt. It was awesome!


Mary Libera In The Facebook Lucid Dreaming Group: 17th Dec 2019:
Hi Brian, thank you very much!!!! Unfortunately I speak just a bit of English and can't to express what I would.... I'm living spectacular lucid adventures practicing WILD and, first of all, thanks to your help! I can enter the dream easily and consciously.


Zanistar Helnar: Commented On The Hypnagogia Video, 10th December 2019:
"It is very interesting watching them start appearing. For me the first of the hypnagogia start right when my hands start feeling like the are expanding and contracting. And then some nights it almost feels the hypnagogia start within minutes of getting into bed, almost like my body is just priming itself through the relaxation stage."


Muhammad Talha Commented On The Free Video Tutorials Dec. 2019
The only wild tutorial on yt which is explained so well with the help of graphics.. srsly thnk u


C.Rogers: Commented Via The ADC Forum, 7th December 2019:
Yes, last night i hit the jackpot. I was about to totally give up late this morning. And then i saw something. I watched and watched. My eyes were spinning around like a slot machine. I'm watching this go about and i can't believe my eyes. I'm wide awake with my eyes closed and i finally have some activity showing up. Then the whole room turned to a color like ground up chocolate chip ice cream. That's about the best way i could describe it. The whole field was a solid color of this consistency. Went on for a good spell before the dream ended. Ok, now i'm getting my money's worth out of doing this. And yes i woke up this morning with a fantastic feeling. Much like how one feels after a series of lucid dreams. Nice, real nice. This is definitely a different dream show than a dild.


Mindaugas Petrosius: In The Lucid Dreaming Facebook Group, 1st sept 2019:
This is how i've got my first long WILD just few moments ago. Thanks Brian for your earlier tips. It took me a few months, but it's well worth it to keep trying.


Joshua Genke: In The Lucid Dreaming Facebook Group, 8th April 2019:
I used to think you were making it sound too simple, but I kept at it and you're right. WILD is the best. I can do it reliably now. My next goal is to be able to do it quicker since it can take me a couple hours.


First video review by 'Charlie' in the Facebook Lucid Dreaming Group, 28th Feb 2019: (very nice review indeed!)


Lisl Asuo In Facebook's Lucid Dreaming Group, 28th Feb 2019:
It works with me like you describe it, I can see how dreams develop from starting with hypnagogic images, I am like sucked into a film but I stay an observer.


The WILD Way to Lucid Dreaming - Book Review by Peter Maich: 14th Nov 2018
First up, this book was a gift as I requested a copy so I could read and review it. My own dreaming experience is over a lifetime so I am familiar with the concept and practice of WILD and so feel I am in a good position to evaluate the purpose of this work.

The book starts with the author introducing himself and outlining his progress, the challenges involved, and his ultimate success with this type of lucid dream entry, and is written in an easy flowing style that makes it a great read. On from this it follows with some history and background on lucid dreaming that builds and eases the reader into the meat of the book and the WILD way to enter into a lucid dream.

The section on the WILD techniques is the main theme of the work and is well written. From personal experience it's also accurate in what it is describing and the way outlined to attempt this is valid, so it’s a great guide on how to WILD. With perseverance there is no reason why a person would not succeed at some point if they persist with the technique.

I would recommend the work for the section on WILD and what it contains as it's presented in a nice way, and is a useful method that can be followed as a means to enter into a lucid dreaming state.


Kristopher Kelley: In Facebook's Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, Out of Body Experience, Astral Travel Group: 5th Nov 2018:
I've read the book and it's great for learning this method. He also has some interesting idea's in regards to Dreaming which are worth reading as well. I don't 'promote' peoples work lightly, yet this WILD book and method is so fast and simple, as well as cutting through all the crap one must attempt to do with others methods, I feel I need to mention it here. Buy the book. Do the work. Dream. It's really that simple.


Kristopher Kelley: In Our WILDs & WILDing Group 22nd Oct 2018:
I just finished reading this book and had to laugh. I’ve been WILDing for many years now. I DILD at night and WILD during the day for naps and such. I never thought of the ‘process’ I went through during the day to enter Dreaming. slider just explained it! LOL! - I hope he gets rich and famous off his book! Good work!


Charlie Traphagan: Commented On Facebook: 21st Aug. 2018
This book is no less than a revolutionary piece of art. With everything concerning debate stripped away to leave only the exact process so as to keep the reader from jumping to conclusions about this or that, The WILD Way To Lucid Dreaming TRULY is the most practical of all guides created.


Don Salmon: In Our WILDs & WILDing Facebook Group: 10th Aug 2018:
I now declare this the best lucid dream book I've ever read (previously I thought it was Alan Wallace's "Dreaming Yourself Awake.") To be fair to Alan, as far as Buddhist philosophy goes, Alan's is still the best. But that's not Brian's intention - his is purely practical. For practical lucid dreams, you just can't beat this.


Deborah Flak: Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection Facebook Group, 7th Aug 2018:
So I enjoyed my first WILD this morning - thanks for the tip! This is much more accessible and more 'on demand' than regular lucid dreaming. Very interesting to watch what happens as we begin to fall asleep and as these images pop up!


Mia: In The Facebook Lucid Dreaming Group, 27th June 2018
I've had a wonderful success with this method and can't sing its praises high enough. 11 wilds now in only 3 weeks or thereabouts from only ever reading about lucid dreaming before. If someone hadn't recommended this book to me I would probably be still wondering what the heck is going on, as I was having some weird experiences on going to bed and didn't realise what it was. This book not only cleared that all up, but has also opened up a whole new world of being to me just like that! Plus I've never felt so good in myself either? I feel really healthy and there's a spring in my step that just wasn't there before! I 'love' this experience and can't recommend it enough. xx


Scott Robinson Commented On Facebook, 7th June 2018:
I am preparing to plug Brian Aherne's (slider's) book big time on my unworlding group just this morning since this awesome book has just provided me with a milestone experience, my first ever totally lucid WILD from a waking state. This is the first really great, original book I've found in a long time.


***** Simple and straight forward instruction.
Amazon UK Customer - By Raitis: 6 June 2018 - Kindle format
Simple and straight forward instruction about how to induce WILD. I like the way writer keeps open minded about theories.


***** Call of the WILD.
Amazon UK Customer - By tompicton: 3 June 2018 - Kindle Format
Very nice, the chapters of the book are a good-humoured and balanced look at lucid dreaming, the real gold being the method the author describes for wake-induced lucid dreams. Recommended, well worth the price if you can master what is a far less complicated sounding technique than DILD-doing.


***** Worth the investment!
Amazon US Customer - By Dr. Eoghan C. Ballardon January 10, 2018 - Kindle Edition
The worst that can be said of this book is that it leaves you wanting more. On the plus side it is an excellent guide which will aid a great deal in reaching your goals. It is well worth the investment.


Recommended By:
The Facebook Lucid Dreaming Group!
- Now With 45,082 Members!


***** For Beginners I tell you >:3
Amazon UK Customer - By FJ on 3 Mar. 2017 - Format: Kindle Edition
I really like this book, it has a lighter and friendly approach to the subject and I was able to enter a low levels of lucidity after a week or so of being aware of my sleeping pattern. In the dream I was washed ashore to a random island in a secret high tech facility of some sort. And I was able to instant dry my clothes XD but then I went on and succumbed to the dream in an unconscious state. I am looking forward to practice with this book on my further travels to the dream world :)


***** Wonderfully written and easy to understand
Amazon CA Customer - By Marilyn Gaburaon April 1, 2016 - Format: Paperback
This book is a great way to learn more about our dreaming. It is written in a way that anyone can understand the concepts of the dreaming world. We all dream but some people might be surprised that we have more control over our dreams than we think. The author will explain how we can do that and even help you achieve lucid dreaming. Why should we care about lucid dreaming? The author will give you many reasons and some are actually very important to our well being.


***** Finally there is a comprehensive book dedicated to WILD'ing
"been waiting ages for this"
UK Amazon Customer on 9 Aug. 2016 - Paperback Edition

Bought this recently as I've not had much success with Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams so far, way to much contradictory info on the net, not to mention people talking about WILD'ing is for masters its not, and this book clearly shows you why, thank you author, and last night I had another one, flying around some town at night in full lucidity with the stars outshining lamp posts as I gazed up, air filled with a kind of Mary Poppins static (lol don't ask me to try and explain that one but you'll know when your there) was unreal ?? Now I'm not the greatest reader, have a slightly short concentration span, and I usually go for audios, but this book was fascinating and very easy to pick up and read, so that for me was an added bonus. - Top Book!


***** Informative and encouraging
UK Amazon Customer Ivanda on 30 Oct. 2016 - Paperback Edition
For those who are not very successful with DILDs , WILDs could be the way to go. I suspect many people won't even try it because they've been told how difficult it is, but if they only gave WILDing a good go, they might be surprised! So, I'd say the book is definitely worth reading.


***** F ive Stars
UK Amazon Customer Rupen Patel on 24 Sept. 2016 Format: Kindle Edition
The only book you need.


***** I really like the book as it taught a very doable technique
Amazon.US Customer - Happy Customer on September 18, 2016 Format: Paperback
I really like the book as it taught a very doable technique for lucid dreaming using the hypnagogic state. I feel that I am on my way to doing a WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream) which with this technique, may be actually easier than most others. With some practice, and following directions, lucid dreaming may be possible in weeks instead of months.


*** DW. Amazon US Customer 7th May 2016 - Paperback Edition
The author does make clear that the major advantage of WILD is the ability to do lucid dreaming virtually at will, and to remain aware throughout the entire process, and that is truly an advantage.


***** Schnelle Erfolge mit WILD Customer on 8th August 2016 Kindle Edition - English Translation
I bought this book because I have been trying to induce regular / constant lucid dreams for over 5 years and so far have not had any notable success.

For years I have tried to induce lucid dreams with DILD technology, which works more or less. My greatest success was in 2014, where I had up to 10 lucid dreams a month. Unfortunately, you could never be sure whether or not you would have a lucid dream again in the next dream, because with DILD technology you regain consciousness from the dream and thus have a lucid dream. Up until now I had almost ignored the WILD technique because it is described as a difficult technique on the Internet. Especially in the evening you should have little success with the technology. It is recommended that you first sleep for 5-6 hours and then use WILD. (Which is frankly not my case)

I have now read the book for almost 1 1/2 weeks and have already read a little bit about the WILD technology. Here it is explained step by step what has to be considered with the technology and how to prepare for it perfectly. The basic WILD technology without "frills" is explained. Above all, the author wants to convey to the reader that the technology is not difficult, as can often be read on the Internet. With a little practice you can induce lucid dreams on demand. You keep your awareness of the process until you are in a dream.

Briefly about my previous successes within just under 2 weeks: 4 short lucid dreams (2-3 seconds because I was very excited) 2 long lucid dreams (one about 5 minutes - the other about 10-15 minutes)

I successfully performed 3 of the 6 lucid dreams in the evening. (Including the 2 long lucid dreams) I was able to induce the other 3 lucid dreams during an afternoon nap.

In a nutshell: The book helped me a lot to understand what is important to carry out the WILD technology cleanly. More importantly, I find that the author tells you that WILD is not as difficult as it is described on the Internet. I can currently agree with that - but it is a bit more difficult at first to get used to the preparation. The success speaks for itself and it has been a long time since I had so many lucid dreams in such a short time. Everyone should form their own opinion - in any case, I am very satisfied and hope that the lucid dreams will continue.


Original German Of The Above Translation: 8th August 2016:
Ich habe mir dieses Buch gekauft, da ich bereits seit über 5 Jahren versuche regelmäßige/konstante Klarträume zu induzieren und bisher dabei noch keine nennenswerte Erfolge erzielen konnte.

Jahrelang habe ich mit der DILD Technik versucht Klarträume zu induzieren, was mehr oder weniger funktioniert. Meinen größten Erfolg hatte ich im Jahr 2014, wo ich es bis zu 10 Klarträume im Monat geschafft habe. Leider konnte man sich nie sicher sein, ob man im nächsten Traum wieder einen Klartraum hat oder nicht, da man bei der DILD Technik aus dem Traum heraus sein Bewusstsein wiedererlangt und somit einen Klartraum hat. Die WILD Technik hatte ich bisher so gut wie ignoriert, da sie als eine schwere Technik im Internet beschrieben wird. Vor allem Abends soll man wenige Erfolge mit der Technik haben. Es wird geraten, dass man erstmal 5-6 Stunden schläft und dann WILD anwendet. (Was ehrlichgesagt nicht so mein Fall ist)

Ich habe das Buch nun knapp 1 1/2 Wochen und mich schon vorher in die WILD Technik etwas reingelesen. Hier wird Schritt für Schritt erklärt, was bei der Technik zu beachten ist und wie man sich perfekt darauf vorbereitet. Es wird die grundsätzliche WILD Technik ohne "Schnick-Schnack" erklärt. Der Autor möchte dem Leser vor allem vermitteln, dass die Technik nicht schwierig ist, wie es oftmals im Internet zu lesen ist. Mit etwas Übung kann man Klarträume auf Abruf induzieren. Man behält sein Bewusstsein bei dem Prozess aufrecht bis man sich im Traum befindet.

Kurz zu meinen Bisherigen Erfolgen innerhalb von knapp 2 Wochen: 4 kurze Klarträume (2-3 Sekunden, da ich sehr aufgeregt war) 2 lange Klarträume ( einer ca. 5 Minuten - der Andere ca. 10-15 Minuten)

3 von den 6 Klarträumen habe ich Abends erfolgreich durchgeführt. (Darunter die 2 langen Klarträume) Die anderen 3 Klarträume habe ich während einem Mittagsschlaf induzieren können.

Kurz und knapp: Das Buch hat mir sehr dabei geholfen zu verstehen, was wichtig ist um die WILD Technik sauber durchzuführen. Wichtiger noch finde ich, dass der Autor einem vermittelt, dass WILDen gar nicht so schwer ist, wie es im Internet beschrieben wird. Dem kann ich aktuell zustimmen - allerdings ist es Anfangs etwas schwieriger sich an die Vorbereitung zu gewöhnen. Der Erfolg spricht aber für sich und es ist lange her, dass ich in so kurzer Zeit so viele Klarträume hatte. Jeder sollte sich eine eigene Meinung bilden - ich bin jedenfalls sehr zufrieden und hoffe, dass es nun so weiter geht mit den Klarträumen :-)


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