Dream-Induced Lucid Dreaming - DILD - is the old school method of learning to lucid dream. It's difficult to learn, cumbersome and wholly unpredictable! You might eventually have some lucid dreams that way, you might not! And even if you do you'll never quite know how you are doing it!
With Waking-Induced Lucid Dreams - WILDs - however, the 'complete opposite' is the case as you are always wide awake in them right from the very beginning! And thus the ability to lucid dream becomes what it Aught to be! - Indeed Needs to be! - if any clear sense and understanding of what is occuring is to be made of it all! - Only with WILDs is this possible!
This is literally the first book of its kind to probe & explore lucid dreaming exclusively from the WILDs point of view! The results of which are startling! And also very revealing as to the true nature of - not only lucid dreaming - but also our hidden human nature too!
- In Lucid Dreaming Terms -
WILDs Are A Revolution!
A Stupendous Upgrade!
The WILD Way!
To Lucid Dreaming
Waking. Induced. Lucid. Dreaming.
Lucid Dreaming On-Demand!
~ By slider ~